Friday, August 04, 2006

It's a full-time job preparing to go on this trip... Write the initial proposal. Find funding. Thank my lucky stars for the kindness of a man who realizes how great PNG is. Finalize story ideas. Prepare itinerary. Make endless phone calls to PNG (19 hours ahead) using a bad calling card to deal with the visa -- research or journalist? Collect meds from Kaiser: typhoid vaccine, cipro, malarone. Laptop. Check. New microphone and headphones. Check. Book tickets at Qantas. Check. Book lodging in Port Moresby, Goroka and Madang. Check. Freak out about whether the visa will come in time. Check. Fax a copy of the passport. Check. Email the resume and a list of recording equipment I'm bringing into the country. Check. Relax and realize I can't do anything more. Check.

I'm excited. And a little nervous. Still, I'm so grateful to have the chance to share this amazing, frustrating, beautiful, challenging country with more people. It's about as different from the States as you can get.

And I can't wait to see my homestay family after 7 years of sporadic letters back and forth.

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