Monday, September 04, 2006

Hi all,

I leave tonight. I'm all kinds of distracted today. My clothes, liquids and gifts for the family are in piles on my bed. Better find a bag soon! Still have to test the radio equipment too...

I think I made the proper change so that anyone can comment on the blog, not just registered users. Ms G. (and everyone else), let me know if it works.

I can't believe that in 24 hours I'll be looking the other way first on the street. Took the first malarone malaria pill today. Printed out some pictures of the P/deK family to take to their homestay family in Meteufa -- a little further out from Goroka than my village, Kabiufa. I can't wait to see their faces when they see the pictures. Hey, I should try to record messages for the P/deKs from their homestay family. How does that sound?

The flight to Brisbane is 13 hours, then a 6-hour layover, then 3 1/2 hours to Port Moresby. Ugh. I'm bringing "Pretty Little Dirty" and two New Yorkers to tide me over.

Anyway, happy trails to all of you. In Tok Pisin, we say lukim yu. Translation: see you later. Talk to you in a while...from the other side of the world.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if I'm the "Ms G" to whom you refer, but the comment function looks like it's up and running for the non-bloggers. Sorry I never got to call you before you left, but I hope you('ve) arrive(d) safely.

Anonymous said...

You rock, ms. ball. I am very excited to hear and read all about it! Write us when you can...